promise Me that you’ll never hide yourself when you’re in pain -
it’s unfair that we laugh together
but that you’ll cry when i’m away

this year together
the first, the fourth
we’ve learned and lived
and loved even more

i am your person and
i promise you everyday
that you’ll feel the same
let’s do this Life together okay?
oh calla
when i’m away from you
know that i’m still with you
when my eyes are closed
know that i could still see you
when i’m awake
know that i still dream of you

how far you’ve come
how great you’ve grown
and every minute i’ve spent
as part of your budding beauty
is time i will never forget

i’d rather be with you
on days at your worst
than be with someone else
on days at their best
and i know you’d say the same
day after day, year after year

because i love you
i love every version of you
i wish only to make you happy
i wish only to keep you safe
i wish only to massage your head
i wish only to watch you
check your teeth after a meal
i wish only to be with you
i wish to be the one who loves you
forever and always